How to Choose the Perfect Key for Your Song (Pt. 1)

piano, sheet music, music

For a long time my key choice was largely arbitrary. It was usually whatever key I started writing the song in, which was almost always C major or A minor since I had little theory and keyboard skills. However, as my songwriting and arranging skills progressed, I began to realize just how important a song’s key is. Below I want to share some important points that I take into consideration when figuring out a good […]

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4 Ways to Write Songs 10x Faster

album, vinyl, record player

Today I’d like to talk about how to write songs faster. If you’re an artist writing for yourself and you have all the time in the world, this may not matter so much to you. However, if you work professionally as a songwriter or write production music for libraries, you’re often given tight deadlines, sometimes only days in advance of when they’re due.  The shortest amount of time I had to write a song was

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Don’t pay for chord progressions—Here are 15 for free

musical background, guitar, music background

I’m writing this post today because I’ve noticed on multiple occasions people selling books and courses that share with you “secret chord progressions that the pro songwriters use”, or “epic chord progressions to take your songs to the next level”. This sounds very exciting, but inside these packages are essentially just a list of chord progressions without much or any explanation as to what makes them great harmonically. If you’re a beginner and don’t have

Don’t pay for chord progressions—Here are 15 for free Read More »