What are NFTs, and What Do they Mean for the Music Industry?

You may have seen the term “NFT” (or “nifties” for short) floating around recently and wondered what all the hype is about. Although they’ve been around for a few years, they’ve only just started to explode in the past year with people spending more time at home, and with the recent surge of interest in crypto-currencies and stock trading. Lets take a look below at what they are, and how they apply to you as […]

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3 Reasons Why You Should Specialize

bulls eye, bull, darts

In the age of the DIY musician, it’s easier now than ever to build your own career, but many artists think that do-it-yourself means do-everything-yourself. Many of us have fallen into the trap of thinking that not only should we write our own music, but we should also record it, mix it, master it, market it, shoot our own music videos, do our own taxes and accounting, design our own merch/album art, and play every

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Tips for Successful Co-Writing Sessions (Part 2)

In the previous instalment of this article we looked at song splits and figuring out your speciality as a songwriter. As we discussed, figuring out your song splits is the first thing you should do before you write a single note, because the last thing you want at the end of a collaboration is your co-writer telling you they think they should get 75% ownership of the song. We also looked at figuring out your

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