Tips for Successful Co-Writing Sessions (Part 1)

At some point in our careers, we’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with another songwriter. It’s a great way to get out of a creative rut, plus you feel more motivated to finish the song when you have someone holding you accountable. However, most of us have spent many more hours writing on our own than in a collaborative situation. Although the driving purpose behind solo writing and co-writing is to write a great song, […]

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5 Ways to Make Your Songs More Memorable

songwriter, songwriting, instrument

The most obvious way to make your song more memorable is by writing an irresistibly catchy chorus. The difficulty though is that this is much easier said than done. After all, if it were that easy, we would have hit after hit being cranked out every day. Although we still haven’t cracked the formula for the chorus yet, there are other, more definite ways we can make our songs “stickier” so we aren’t always relying

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How to Stop Writing Same-Sounding Songs

If you’ve been writing songs for a while, there’s a good chance that at some point you’ve felt like you keep writing variations of the same song. The most frustrating thing is that when you try to write something different, it doesn’t sound as cool, or you have a harder time working in unfamiliar territory, so you stick to what you know. I’ve certainly had this issue. Over time I began to notice that my

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